Medication List

Keep an updated Medication List
Technology has afforded us the luxury of having access to all kinds of medications. Don’t take them for granted!
Write them down and be proud!
More importantly, you want to make sure everyone essential knows your medication. You could be

having a reaction, or they could give you something that might negatively interact.

I suggest keeping 3 copies. You can keep these in your go bag, your purse, with your medication etc. You
need to keep multiply copies because sometimes the first responder fails to return the list. Same with

the emergency room. It is better to be safe than sorry.

This may be even more important if you are traveling. You want to make sure all of your medication
names, dosages, and details are listed. This way you can make sure you receive all the correct meds
when the doctor may not have access to your chart.
Lastly, I recommend making a note if you know of specific requirements. For instance, if you can only
take a name brand, or you can only take a certain dosage, then make note so that the next doctor
doesn’t make a simple swap that may harm you.

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