Linen Life Saver
Bodily fluids, blood, urine, vomit, feces – I don’t know about you but these are all things that I have had to deal with when caring for the sick. Then the favorite tee shirts, or perfect bed sheets, or the couch are never quite the same.
We found a solution!
About a year into caring for my grandmother, I found this really great product made by Clorox I included this link to make your lives easier! Click here
This cleaner is not bleach so it is safe to use on any color or surface.
It is designed to break down organic material like bodily fluids or urine. I found that it doesn’t leave the residual discoloration like bleach or other products leave behind. And more importantly, it doesn’t just mask the smell of urine or other fluids, it actually breaks it down. It is also really helpful that it isn’t just a pre-wash – You can use it on the couch, carpet or mattress.
Slop away Grandma!
One of the other things we realized is that it was really good at attacking food stains as well. We all make mistakes and dribble on our fronts and it always bothered her when she did. She did her part by always wearing a napkin on front, and yet you would always hear “Oh nuts, I slopped on my front.” No worries, this Clorox enzyme cleaner will fix it all. Slop away Grandma!
I was happy that we were able to find a cleaner that made our lives just a little easier.